Hannaford Career Center


Education/Career TrainingNon-Profit & Civic Organizations

About Us

The Patricia A. Hannaford Career Center is the technical center for Addison County students. Our mission is to provide high quality technical, workplace and continuing educational opportunities for high school-aged students and adults. We offer ten career and technical (CTE) programs and eight pre-tech/foundational programs (listed below). We also have evening adult education programs.

Day CTE programs:
Addison Repertory Theater
Automotive Technology
Culinary Arts
Design & Illustration
Diesel Power Technology
Forestry & Natural Resources
Human Services
Medical Professions
STEM 210/211 Architecture & Engineering Design
STEM 220/221 Green Building & Renewable Energy
STEM 230/231 CNC Programming, Welding, & Metal Fabrication
Sustainable Agriculture

Pre-Tech/Foundational Programs:
Mechanical Science
Plant & Animal Science
Intro to Natural Resources
STEM 100 Introduction to STEM
STEM 101 Innovation of STEM
STEM 110/111 Foundations of Engineering/Architecture I and II
Visual Communications

Video Media
