Middlebury Area Land Trust, Inc.


Outdoor RecreationNon-Profit & Civic Organizations

About Us

MALT conserves promotes and manages land as natural, open and working landscapes in Addison County. MALT also provides and supports recreational educational and cultural opportunities for the community. The TAM (Trail Around Middlebury) is a 16 mile trail that is managed by MALT and maintained by many dedicated interns and volunteers. The TAM Trek is a run/walk/bike-a-thon held annually in late September to raise funds for trail maintenance. Participants choose a segment or two (or the whole 16 mile trail!) to race on.


We are also working with the National Park Service to connect the TAM with the North Country National Scenic Trail and the Long Trail.


  • Conserves Land
  • Manages Trail Around Middlebury
  • TAM Trek race


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