
Non-Profit & Civic Organizations

About Us

RSVP is a volunteer management service which offers individuals of all ages the opportunity to share their experience, skills and time by volunteering for local non-profit organizations.

RSVP recruits, places and supports its volunteers, providing them with meaningful opportunities to contribute to their community. Addison County's non-profits' needs are met in critical areas such as human services, elder care health and education.

Volunteers find that when they share their enthusiasm, skills and time, they not only help their community, they also reap the personal rewards that come from being involved, making new friends and helping local agencies that genuinely appreciate their support.

To learn about the volunteer opportunities that are currently available, call 388-7044 or visit


  • RSVP helps Addison County Residents stay engaged, healthy and financially stable.
  • RSVP works to place volunteers with over 100 different local non-profit organizations
  • Staff work with you one-on-one to determine what volunteer opportunities best suit your interests, skills and schedule


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